Transforming automotive wholesale for independent dealers

Reach a larger pool of stocking opportunities, targeted to match your market.

Filters mean you will only see what you want to see.
Notifications mean you will never miss an opportunity.
Trade with your current network, or connect with hundreds of dealerships nationwide.
Free selling service.
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Connect to more sellers. Find the right inventory faster. Complete trade-in buys within seconds.
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It’s easy to use. You can add FLIPACAR to your existing trade process to either buy or sell or both. As your network grows so will your trading opportunities.
You can set filters to see only the cars you specialise in, or specific cars you might be searching for.
You can trade on FLIPACAR with people you know and trust, or you can use the platform to grow your dealer network.
FLIPACAR suggests new partners through your trading activities. Use FLIPACAR to find new dealers who would like to connect.
FLIPACAR will allow you to manage a team of employees. You will be able to track performance, trading activity and set levels of authority so you are always in control.
No, FLIPACAR makes trading cars quick and easy. We connect you directly with dealerships who are looking for committed buyers who want to trade. Less risk and more profit.
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